A 3 month gift beyond Words

Words alone cannot fully capture the depth of my gratitude for my experience at Humanidad, and for the profound guidance of Guillermo and Joy. As I continue to reflect on my three-month journey this past winter, I find myself in awe of the wisdom and insight I gained, which would not have been possible without the loving connection to the plants, so beautifully facilitated by Guillermo and Joy. Every purge, every challenge, every insight became a vital stepping stone in the evolution of my spirit and personal growth. The guidance I received from Guillermo and Joy, who embody a rare and unique combination of kindness, patience, love, humor, wisdom, and humility, felt like discovering a treasure chest just as hope was fading and despair had taken hold of my life. Trying to put this experience into words feels almost inadequate because, as Guillermo often reminded me, these are things you must feel your way through. The three months I spent at Humanidad have become my North Star, a guiding principle that continues to illuminate my path. Guillermo and Joy are beacons of light, and I am blessed to consider them part of my spiritual family. I am profoundly grateful for the plants and every single purge, each offering invaluable lessons that continue to unfold within me, even now, months later. The purges, I’ve come to understand, are not just a part of the journey but the very way to progress on the spiritual path through the use of entheogens. The purification I underwent—the physical, emotional, and energetic detoxification—left me feeling reborn, as though I had been given multiple new beginnings during my time there. Now, as I reintegrate into my day-to-day life, with a deeper understanding of myself, I can feel the solid foundation that was laid during those three months. The lessons I received continue to resonate, almost effortlessly guiding me, opening new pathways of consciousness, and stabilizing my highest purpose in this lifetime. Guillermo and Joy, please continue your work exactly as you do. Your presence on this earth is a blessing to all of us. I am truly fortunate to have given myself this opportunity—a real chance to live, learn, and love myself deeply.

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