A life reset

I left Humanidad about three months ago, after a one-month psycho-spiritual development treatment, and I am still processing the changes that have happened since then. I came with a rather vague idea of what to expect, both in terms of process and teachings, and left with lessons that will stick with me for life and opened new paths of self-exploration. It was intense at times, but Guillermo supported me at every step as I stumbled along the way. His own life experience, his devotion and his intimate knowledge of entheogens made him a brilliant guide for this spiritual journey. It was fascinating to realize after each session how he had helped me prepare for the struggles ahead. And it was great to share my insights and then laugh about my little epiphanies together. I feel lighter today and more lucid even while I sleep… building on the work I initiated on dreams during my stay at Humanidad. I even enjoy a better eyesight after a couple of Sananga treatments! And as I continue the journey, I know Guillermo walks beside me, as a mentor and as a friend. I also had the chance to be accompanied by Joy who conducted my first Kambo session and introduced me to Yoga Nidra. It was a privilege to share my last Ayahuasca ceremony with her. Her love and care has been a great source of inspiration, not to mention the delicious food she concocted to quickly get back on track after the diet. Finally, one could hardly think of a better setting for introspection: alone in a comfortable tent nested in a lush corner of life on the shore of lake Atitlán, surrounded by birds and the sound of rain during the summer afternoon showers. Many thanks to Humanidad’s staff: Linda, Jennifer and Don Fernando for their kindness and attentive care. And to Ananda for her magical sense of wonder.

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